

Welcome Goddesses! 

Fire and Flow is 1.5 to 2.5 hour event style workshop based around a fire .

Its women only and covers breath work, affirmations, flow dance and circus spinning such as hoops and staff. As well as Body acceptance rituals, healing, A sea dip and or star bathing. performances. Gifts, chai tea and marshmallows, connection acceptance and sisterhood.

Penella Bee Bio and background of Fire and Flow

I am a choreographer and performer specialising in working with fire and light, as well as a workshop facilitator with a keen interest in wellbeing and empowerment,

I really love sharing movement and prop manipulation to help  tap our brains into "The flow state" Along with breath work, acceptance ,  body neutral exercises and female connection,  the elements of fire, water and earth we can do some powerful healing away from toxic media ideals. I have 4 awesome children ranging from 20 to 5 months old.From my own journey through mental health challenges (which I think is a normal human experience) I like to use the theory “come as you are” don't wait to feel ready however you feel come as you are, whether anxiety, depression or grief

We know the pain of the fire but we dance with the flames and give to the sea

When I first saw the wild sea women dip, I was blown away I was already dipping but seeing so many women being united, brave and joyful was honestly so powerful! I spoke to Hayley after and said I need to do something with you! She was soon to suggest Fire and Ice launch event and from there I was inspired to develop an event style session called Fire and Flow.

I hope to add theatre to workshops and since a young age seeing the aurora on Seaburn beach has inspired by fascination with lights, fire and the sea. My next show is called Northern Lights and looking forward to wild sea women collaborations.

I also enjoy having a giggle and generally think women are mint!

NEW FOR 2022!


A dream of mine was to create lead in sessions studio based to develop flow arts choreography much like we do at fire and flow but more in depth.

The first was a real sucess and the ladies performed at the FIRE and FLOW April 22. We now have Glow Performance troupe working towards 3 different performances.