Forever Dance

We received wonderful support from the National lottery community fund. This program now runs under the bigger Conneting the Dots Program.

We currently run Circus and Swing sessions at The Meadows Community Centre Waterville Road, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE29 6BA on Mondays from 1pm to 2:30pm. These are fun & inclusive sessions with gentle movement, nostalgic dance, circus inspired movements and relaxing crafts. Email to book!

From the fabulous success from helix arts falling on your feet. Penella Bee has been both assistant and lead artist in Walker, Sunderland, South Shields (Customs house), Meadowell Connected and North Tyneside ( The Parks) . In the most recent cohort she completed the ACE funded Make Dance Happen course ran by Helix Arts . This course was to up skill artists and group members in preparation to be their own independant group. Penella, Victoria Armstrong( assistant ) , the original Meadowell and The Parks have formed a group with 2 sessions Forever Dance. At present the group is ran through our community interest company Bee Enchanted We received wonderful support from the National lottery community fund.

Over 65s dancers take to the stage